Use Zoom To Host Your Own Virtual Party

Pretty much every DJ has taken up to live streaming (even the ones that said they wouldn’t, we see you) and with that, a lot of questions have come about. A frequent question is what software should I use to broadcast my DJ stream? There are many applications out there and most of them have a niche that makes them great. 

Zoom gives you the capability to create your own virtual room. You can invite patrons to your room and they can engage with you via the integrated chat room. You can have up to 10,000 attendees in your virtual room and even more via Facebook Live and Youtube Streaming, setting you up for some pretty big online stages. Another benefit is that if you are not streaming to Facebook Live or Youtube then you can fearlessly play whatever you want in your virtual room.

PayPal is seamlessly integrated into Zoom which gives you the opportunity to either create a virtual party with a “cover charge” or receive donations in the form of online tips (the latter seems to be the preferred way). Easily set up polls for your participants on which genre the next party should be. If someone misses the show you can make it available for them on demand so people can experience your event at their most convenient time. 

Check out the video below to learn more about Zoom and think outside of the box to make it work for you. Zoom has a free membership that allows up to 40 minutes streaming a day to up to 100 participants. Pro memberships start at $40/month and are dependent on how many participants you want to have access to your event.

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